Squash Blossom - Colorado Springs
October Artist Spotlight
Phil Lear - A Painter You Should Know Phil Lear has long been beloved within the art community, and we're here to tell you a bit more about him. Phil Lear's Long History as an Artist October is the month of haunts and villains, and what better way to celebrate All Hallows Eve than by featuring one of our favorite local artists? Phil Lear, a Colorado Springs painter, is the visual artist chosen for October’s spotlight, and his paintings are the perfect addition to spooky Halloween interior decor and design. With a more subdued color palette than many modern painters...
Squash Blossom - Colorado Springs
September Artist Spotlight
SeptemberArtist Spotlight September's Art Walk is one to look forward to, and Ryan Gardner's hand-fabricated jewelry is the heart of this month's collection. Ryan Gardner's Stunning Jewelry For our September Artist Spotlight, Squash Blossom is bringing you a one-of-a-kind jewelry artist: Pueblo’s resident Saul Bell Award Winner, Ryan Gardner. Gardner’s stunning jewelry is 100% handmade and hand-fabricated, with each stone and gem cut exactly to his specifications to create eye-catching works of art. These unbelievably beautiful pieces are the star of Squash Blossom’s cases this month, and we hope that you will take the chance to explore his truly unique...
Squash Blossom - Colorado Springs
April Artist Spotlight
AprilArtist Spotlight The first Art Walk of the year may have been changed to a virtual visit, but we are still here to celebrate our spotlight Artists for April. This month we have Chris Hureau as our featured fine artist and Joyla as our featured jewelry designer. Christopher Hureau Bright and detailed with a soft peacefulness about them, Chris Hureau paints in oil these realistic landscapes to capture moments in time that he knows will inevitably change drastically, or one day even disappear. He says: “I feel it's important to capture them while it's still possible", and with his careful...
Squash Blossom - Colorado Springs

August Birthstone Profile
August Birthstone Profile:Peridot Peridot Peridot has long been sought after for its plethora of desirable properties. Ancient Egyptians, who called it the “gem of light” or “gem of the sun,” renowned the deep, lustrous greens found in these gems mined on the legendary island in the Red Sea, Topazios. Hawaiians once called the stone the “tears of Pele” (the volcano goddess), due to peridot’s propensity to surface amidst volcanic eruptions. Europeans adorned priests, chalices, and churches with peridot from as far back as the 2nd century BCE, well throughout medieval times for both the stone’s aesthetic appeal, as well as...
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